
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Oklahoma Unitarian Pastor Opens Church Services for the 'Nones'

A Unitarian Universalist minister who this fall started a church service program for atheists and non-believers has said the services meant to attract America's growing "nones" population have been successful.

"These are people who are not inspired to live their lives a certain way by ideas of God or by Scripture but who have the same human needs for community, compassion, meaning and marking the significant passages of birth, coming of age, marriage and death," the Rev. Marlin Lavanhar of All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Okla., told the Tulsa World.

The weekly non-theist Humanist gathering, called "The Point," was launched back in September, and in some ways follows the proceedings of regular church meetings – the congregation gathers on Sunday mornings, listens to sermons from the pastor, and addresses the needs of the community. But there are no invocations to God, no prayers or hymns, and the Bible is not referenced. Read more

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