
Thursday, November 01, 2012

Orality is changing the face of missions around the world

In a conversation about orality strategies, a lady who has been leading mission trips in Central America for many years was asked, "What has been the highlight of your experiences in leading mission trips over the years?" Her response was, "Our discussion over the last twenty minutes that has changed my life, and the way I will do missions from now on."

Think about how such a short conversation can have a significant impact in people's lives. It was an eye opener for her, as it is for many, when we consider the fact that the majority of the world are oral learners. Yet, it is estimated that roughly 90% of the time the gospel is presented in a Western, literate style of communication.

One person saw a post on the internet about orality. As a result, she came to the annual conference of the International Orality Network and said that it was a transformational experience. Another man was introduced to orality in a Perspectives on the World Christian Movement class. He came to the conference, and was amazed and surprised. He said that it had changed his perspective on ministry and missions. People who have some experience in ministry or missions and have an awareness of international issues and what is going on in the rest of the world, tend to immediately grasp the significance of orality. Read more

Read also:
From Theology to Missions: Orality & Missions
Orality Useful in the US

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