
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

PEAR's Archbishop responds to allegations of bribery

Allegations the Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Rwanda (PEAR) solicited a $250,000 gratuity from the Anglican Mission in America and its refusal led to the breach with the African church are baseless, church leaders tell Anglican Ink.

Rumors have circulated on the internet for the past few days accusing the Rwandan primate of graft. “I learned from an unimpeachable source today that Rwandan Archbishop Rwaje had asked Bishop Chuck Murphy for $250,000 to build a home,” one message shared on a popular Anglican news portal alleged. Read more
This has all the appearances of another attempt to shift the blame for the AMiA's break with PEAR and the subsequent disintegration of the organization away from Chuck Murphy. The Bible tells us that bearing false witness against another is serious offense against God. This includes the spreading of malicious rumors.

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