
Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Reformed Anglicans in Brazil Hold Synod; Adopt New Declaration of Principles , Constitution, and Canons

This past weekend the Igreja Anglicana Reformada do Brasil (Reformed Anglican Church of Brazil) held its third Synod. The Synod consists of the clergy and lay delegates of the 20 local congregations and ministries of the IARB. The Synod met at a retreat center in the city of Bragança Paulista, near São Paulo, Brazil. Bragança Paulista is the site of the first IARB parish church in Brazil. The Synod was a special time of refreshment and renewal for those present as they sought the Lord and the guidance of the Holy Spirit in making a number of important decisions impacting the life and ministry of the IARB.

The Synod decided to relaunch the church through a new Declaration of Principles, Constitution and Canons. This would enable the church to move forward with a clearer form of administration and government, thereby empowering the church more fully for missions. Since the beginning the three aims of the IARB have been to make disciples, to plant churches and to train leaders.

The members of the Synod approved the relaunching of the church by unanimous vote of all Synod members present. The Synod also elected 5 committees and their members. These committees are: the Committee of Doctrine, Discipline and Worship; the Committee of Christian Education, the Committee of Mission and Evangelism; the Committee of Finances; and the Committee of Organization.

The Synod approved a major catechism, called the "Catechism for the 21st Century." This catechism consists of 121 questions and answers. The IARB will also continue to use the Catechism of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. The 1662 Prayer Book was approved as the official Prayer Book of the IARB with a number of minor changes, for example, the substitution of the word "Presbyter" for "Priest."

At the same time the Synod approved the contemporary liturgy of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney for use as alternative services to the Prayer Book. A number of other important decisions were made effecting the life and ministry of the church.

The Synod paid special tribute to Bishop Francisco Buzzo Rodrigues, who is the Bishop Emeritus of the Igreja Anglicana Reformada do Brasil and is still active as a rector of the parish church in Bragança Paulista, São Paulo. Under the provisions of the new governing documents Bishop Josep Rossello became the Diocesan Bishop of the new IARB. Bishop Rossello was formerly the President and Moderator of the IARB.

The Rev. Marcelo Lemos was ordained to the diaconate and became the third deacon of the Igreja Anglicana Reformada do Brasil. The IARB presently has one bishop, two presbyters, three deacons, and six lay readers in active ministry.

Those who participated in the Synod came away from the gathering with a sense that God was at work in powerful way in the IARB, extending his kingdom in Brazil and the world.

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