
Friday, November 30, 2012

Thompson to head Moore

The new Principal of Moore College is to be Dr Mark Thompson.

The President of the governing board of the College, Dr Peter Jensen, has announced Dr Thompson will succeed Dr John Woodhouse as Principal next year.

In a statement, Dr Jensen said “I greet the appointment of Dr Mark Thompson as the next Principal with great enthusiasm. Mark is thoroughly committed to Christ as Lord, and is a fine teacher and a caring pastor”.

The Archbishop said “His gifts as a speaker, theological educator, author and theologian have been recognised internationally as well as locally. His clear and strong affirmation of the gospel and his capacity as a leader are going to be significant gifts he brings to the College”.

The College, the Archbishop said, was “well positioned to meet the challenges of change.” Read more

Read also:
The ACL congratulates the new Principal designate of Moore College

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