
Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Where Is Belief in Miracles Growing Fastest? Among Those Who Don't Attend Church

Penn State researcher says those "certain" miracles exist up 22 percent over past two decades.

Even as religious affiliation declines in America, 55 percent of Americans now say they are "certain" that miracles occur—a 22 percent increase over the past two decades.

According to the Association of Religion Data Archives, Pennsylvania State University researcher Robert Martin reported to the American Sociological Association that some four in five Americans now believe miracles definitely or probably occur. Martin analyzed General Social Survey data from 1991 to 2008 and found that "service attendance is the strongest predictor of belief in miracles."

Belief is miracles is growing across the board, suggesting a wider cultural shift. Yet, in recent years, the strongest gains were reported by those who attend services infrequently, Martin reported.  Read more
This is not necessarily a positive development. The New Testament warns us that the Anti-Christ will lead many astray through the performance of false miracles. 

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