
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Why I support the vote against women bishops

The Church of England's rejection of women bishops has been criticised within the Church and beyond. But Pete Myers, of campaign group Together 4ward, tells Channel 4 News his view is not sexist.

The General Synod's vote on the ordination of women bishops was an important decision which was always going to be difficult. The decision was not whether to introduce women bishops - but how.

The Together4ward team and I are saddened by the pain that yesterday's vote has caused to many. We have compromised to accept that women bishops will happen. But we welcome the decision to affirm the need to provide proper provision for those of us who believe that women bishops are unbiblical. We are a minority in the UK right now, but stand with the majority of Christians in the Anglican community worldwide and throughout 2,000 years of church history. Read more

Read also:
Church Society welcomes vote against women bishops
Leave the Church be
Women bishops 'in my lifetime', insists Archbishop John Sentamu
Williams expresses 'sadness' over women bishops vote

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