
Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Call for an Evangelical flying bishop for England

Reform urges its members to lobby for a Conservative Evangelical Bishop of Ebbsfleet

Conservative Evangelicals in the Church of England have asked for the appointment of one of their own to serve as a “flying bishop.

In an email sent to its members this week, Reform noted that with the vacancy for the position of bishop of Ebbsfleet, “please write to the Achrchbishops’ Appointments Secretary” to “make the case” that the next Provincial Episcopal Visitor be a “conservative Evangelical.”

Created under the 1993 Act of Synod, Provincial Episcopal Visitors (PEVs) exercise alternative Episcopal oversight for congregations unable to accept the ministry of women priests. If the local diocesan bishop has participated in the ordination of women as priests, a parish may request that it be placed under the pastoral and sacramental care of a PEV. The parish remains within its local diocese, but the PEV exercises episcopal authority on behalf of the local bishop. Read more

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