
Monday, December 10, 2012

Cameron accused of 'broken promise' as gay couples told they can marry in church

David Cameron is facing a major clash between church and state and the biggest Tory rebellion since coming to power after announcing a u-turn on religious gay weddings.

He was accused of breaking promises to religious groups as he confirmed that homosexual couples could marry in churches, mosques, synagogues or temples under plans to be unveiled next week.

It represents a reversal of the position set out earlier this year which proposed a blanket ban on same-sex ceremonies on religious premises.

Instead those which want to carry out same sex weddings would be able to “opt in”.

Ministers insist a series of “multiple lock” legal safeguards will prevent religious groups which refuse to carry out same-sex marriages facing challenges under human rights laws.

But Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, said the shift made a “mockery” of the consultation and said the move was “madness” which would “boomerang” on the Conservatives. Read more

1 comment:

  1. More then churches should be allowed to discriminate--for whatever reason.
