
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Church says women bishops situation 'unsustainable'

Leaders in the Church of England have reiterated their determination to move forward with women bishops.

The House of Bishops met this week at Lambeth Palace, the official residence of the Archbishop of Canterbury, to consider the implications of last month's defeat in the General Synod of legislation to admit women to the episcopate.

In a statement, the House expressed its "ongoing gratitude" for the ministy of ordained women in the Church of England, as well as sadness that the events of last month "left so many feeling undermined and undervalued".

"Effective response to this situation is a priority on which all are strongly agreed," the bishops said.

"The House acknowledged the profound and widespread sense of anger, grief, and disappointment felt by so many in the Church of England and beyond, and agreed that the present situation was unsustainable for all, whatever their convictions." Read more
What does the House of Bishops mean by "greater simplicity" in regards to new proposals for the consecration of women bishops? Any proposals that do not contain adequate provision for opponents of women's ordination will aggravate the present situation in the Church of England and will create a state of affairs very similar to that which eventually led to the secession of clergy, congregations, and dioceses from the Episcopal Church here in the United States. Will the Church of England make wise decisions and hold onto its conservative and more dynamic clergy and congregations? Or will the radical left wing of the Church prevail and the Church of England, a church already beset by aging congregations, declining attendance, and decreased giving, become another shrinking liberal church like the Episcopal Church?

1 comment:

  1. There is a spiritual war happening. The church must physically be taken by the priesthood of all believers, and these people that have secularized it--and the enemy within: the anglo-Catholic must be purged. I call on the reactionary fringe to grab the sword and yield it towards the enemy.
