
Saturday, December 01, 2012

I'm Dreaming of a ... Small Group

How small groups can help the lonely during the holiday season

At the age of nine, I lost my father to cancer. The years that followed were tumultuous since my mother and I didn't get along. As an only child, I craved family and a "normal" life. After graduating from college, God provided healing in my relationship with my mother, for which I'm thankful for every day because when I was 24 she died of cancer as well. I thought I'd experienced loneliness as a child, but nothing compared to the loneliness of having no family.

Due to my pain, I turned my back on God. I made poor decisions that extended my pain, and I ran from God continually. However, God is merciful, and he rescued me. But I had to change my lifestyle, including starting over with new friends. That's when I found small groups at The Simple Church.

In the process of my healing, God brought me peace through a verse, "A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows … God sets the lonely in families" (Psalm 68:5-6, NIV 1984). God was true to his Word. My small group made sure I received the support I needed without me having to ask for it. They made sure I had somewhere to spend my birthday, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. My loneliness subsided as I realized my small group was the "family" God so lovingly promised me from his Word. Read more

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