
Monday, December 17, 2012

Is ‘The Hobbit’ a ‘Christian’ film? Yes and no.

Travel along, if you dare, with Bilbo Baggins in “The Hobbit” — either in J.R.R.Tolkien’s beloved 1937 novel, or through the first installment of Peter Jackson’s film trilogy based on the book, which opens in theaters on Friday (Dec. 14).

If you do, you will, essentially, be traveling in a world constructed on Christian principles, says Devin Brown, a professor of English at Asbury University, a Christian liberal arts college near Lexington, Ky.

But that doesn’t mean “The Hobbit” should be taken as a kind of subliminally evangelistic work. Brown, for one, will enjoy the film for its own sake as a terrific adventure. But, he said, understanding the work in the context of Tolkien’s deep Christian faith can give a deeper appreciation of the tale.

“Tolkien once wrote a friend,’I am a Christian, and whatever I write will come from that essential viewpoint,’” Brown said. Read more

Read also:
Tolkien: Man Behind the Myth
'The Hobbit' Movie Review: A Wondrous Journey Well Worth Taking
 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
The Foolish Wisdom of Bilbo Baggins
The Hidden Purpose of the Hobbit's Adventure

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