
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Ordinariate Watch: CDF prefect prods English Catholics to embrace Anglican ordinariate

In an interview with England’s Catholic Herald, the new prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith said that the Catholics of Britain should “wholeheartedly” welcome former Anglicans who have joined the ordinariate of Our Lady of Walshingham.

Archbishop Gerhard Müller seemed to be prodding English Catholic leaders, who have been slow to embrace the Anglican ordinariate, when he pointed out: “Many of those [Anglicans] entered into full communion through the ordinariates have sacrificed a great deal in order to be true to their consciences. They should be welcomed wholeheartedly by the Catholic community – not as prodigals but as brothers and sisters in Christ who bring with them into the Church a worthy patrimony of worship and spirituality.” Read more

1 comment:

  1. The postmodern prey and their captives, need to be acknowledged as fools. At the same time, we need to denounce the secular-humanists...and not exult the Anglo-Catholics.
