
Saturday, December 08, 2012

Ordinariate Watch: Vatican sets up a "home" for Canadian Anglican converts

The Vatican has approved a new church structure in Canada to administer to disaffected Anglicans there who convert to Roman Catholicism because they feel their own church has become too liberal.

Called a deanery, it will be headed by Father Lee Kenyon, a married Anglican priest from Manchester, England who converted to Catholicism in 2011.

The deanery will come under a structure known as the "ordinariate" for North America, roughly equivalent to a trans-national diocese, which is based in Houston, Texas and headed by Rev. Jeffrey N. Steenson, a married former Anglican bishop.

Steenson announced the Vatican approval in a joint statement on Friday with Cardinal Thomas Collins, the Roman Catholic archbishop of Toronto. Read more


  1. I was told by a man some years back that only 'liberal' (pretended) Protestants convert to the Catholic religion. I have pondered that through the years. Looking for a 'conservative' faction; and i have not found one yet. If you find one, let me know.
    I'll take any Protestant denomination as long as they are prepared to let an Arminian and reactionary join them.
    I come close a few times though, and it was the preacher and i, with a couple others at a free-will Baptist church. The Methodists are sick with 'liberalism'. Anglicans are socially 'liberal', and officially Calvinist; although that doesn't say much. Lutherans (Missouri Synod) are alright; and that is where i am at now. Although i think i am the only one, besides the pastor--at least to a high degree--that has such concerns.

  2. P.S.

    The Free Will Baptist church that i was referring to was at a loss of members. The preachers doubted themselves--in that they thought youth could do better. I did not like their call to encourage 'youth'; because it is a catch-phraze/code-word for pop-culture and the postmodern. They wanted to step-down from the podium and have a younger pastor. I encouraged them to stay steadfast. Understand that one preacher was not a baby boomer, but older. The other might have been somewhat though. Either way, i said the heck with 'youth'. They have no 'youth' still. Last i checked they had 25 cars in the parking lot(i did not go in); instead of 3-6. I was exploring at the time, doing research. The Lutheran church i go to has 6-8.
