
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Resurgence: On stereotypes, risks, and Jesus: Driscoll interviews Piper

Dr. John Piper is an inspiration to a whole generation of young Bible teachers, and he is a man who personally means the world to me. On January 1, Dr. Piper will transition out of his role as Pastor for Preaching & Vision at Bethlehem Baptist, a church he has led faithfully (and will continue to serve) for over thirty years.

Recently, Pastor John was gracious to answer a few questions about what he’s learned, what he’s still learning, and the upcoming annual Desiring God pastors’ conference. For more from John Piper, visit Desiring God. Read more


  1. Driscoll is a pervert.

  2. In what way, Mcgranor, do you regard Mark Driscoll as a 'pervert'? What is the basis of your opinion of him?

    I recognize that Driscoll has his share of critics and some of their criticisms may be valid. Sharing with other readers why you regard Discroll as a 'pervert' and the basis of that opinion will enable them to judge for themselves the validity of your criticism.

    At the same time I think that I ought to let you know that it is my policy to post interviews if I believe that they provide information that may be beneficial to readers--irrespective of who is the interviewer and who is the interviewee, whether I agree with their theology, or what I may think of them personally. This means that I may post articles, book reviews, and interviews by individuals that some of my readers may not hold in high regards and/or with whose opinions they may have problems for a variety of reasons.

  3. Mcgranor,

    Thanks for the explanation.
