
Monday, December 03, 2012

Synod 'may oust chairman' after defeat of legislation to allow women bishops

Members of the Church of England’s ‘parliament’ are attempting to oust one of its most senior figures following the defeat of legislation to allow women bishops.

In a dramatic move, members of the General Synod’s House of Laity have secretly called an emergency meeting so they can hold a vote of no confidence in their Chair, Dr Philip Giddings, who spoke forcefully against the reform.

They believe that, if Dr Giddings is forced out, the move could help Church leaders get around the rules and bring back the legislation before a new Synod is elected in three years’ time.

The debacle, which was condemned by David Cameron and MPs, has sparked bitter recriminations within the Church and left incoming Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, facing a crisis. Read more

1 comment:

  1. Its a State church, in a postmodern society. The only hope for survival is to hold pop-culture in disdain...and 'privatize'.
