
Saturday, January 19, 2013

A Benediction for Post-Christian America

Last time, I suggested that we must face the facts that we are now in a new era: the post-Christian America that Francis Schaeffer, Chuck Colson and many others predicted would come.

I was referring then to Hobby Lobby facing millions of dollars in fines for refusing to obey the HHS mandate. If any further proof is needed, the recent broo-ha-ha over who's praying at the presidential inauguration is exactly that.

A rock-solid evangelical pastor who has mobilized thousands of young people to campaign against human trafficking was invited by the White House to give the benediction at the inauguration. But within hours, a small handful of homosexual activists hit the roof, because the same pastor, years prior, had the gall to say in a sermon that homosexual activity was sinful.

Thoroughly tarred with the "hater," "bigot," and "anti-gay" labels, this pioneer for human rights, Pastor Louie Giglio of Passion City Church, respectfully stepped aside.

Whether Pastor Giglio did so proactively or was responding to heated pressure from the White House isn't exactly clear.

One thing's for sure, Giglio's now oft-quoted sermon on homosexuality was prophetic. He warned that the gay movement would do anything necessary to make sure the homosexual lifestyle becomes accepted as a norm in our society and is given full standing as any other lifestyle. Read more

1 comment:

  1. Preaching to those, that brought the dismantling to church; will not help.
