
Monday, January 07, 2013

Anglican church lifts ban on gay men in civil partnerships becoming bishops

The announcement by the church’s House of Bishops means that gay priests can be appointed bishops as long as they promise to remain celibate.

The shift in church policy comes as Gene Robinson, the first openly gay bishop in the Anglican Communion, retires from his prominent position in the Episcopal Church in New Hampshire in the United States on Saturday.

The new ruling, while limited in scope, is likely has reopen the bitter divisions between the liberal and conservative wings of the Church of England on the issue of gay priests.

It also raises the possibility of candidates for a bishopric being questioned about their previous sex life and asked whether they repent having gay sex.

Conservative Anglicans have described the move as "divisive" while those campaigning for the full inclusion of gay and lesbian people in the church have criticised the insistence on celibacy. Read more

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