
Friday, January 11, 2013

Biblical sermon derails Giglio inaugural prayer

The biblical standard that homosexuality is sinful has once again placed a Christian leader under public scrutiny, this time leading to the cancellation of Atlanta pastor Louis Giglio's benediction at President Obama's 2013 inaugural.

Giglio had accepted President Obama's invitation to deliver the benediction at the Jan. 21 inaugural, but withdrew from the program Jan. 10 after members of the pro-gay community complained about a biblically based sermon Giglio delivered in the 1990s and labeled him anti-gay.

In the sermon, "In Search of a Standard -– Christian Response to Homosexuality," Giglio details Scripture that identifies homosexuality as sinful, and he offers the hope of transformation the apostle Paul offered in 1 Corinthians 6:11.

Uproar over Giglio's comments is the latest in a string of attacks against Christians supporting a biblical view of sexuality, including Chic-fil-A President Dan Cathy and pastor Rick Warren. Read more

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