
Thursday, January 31, 2013

CALL TO PRAYER: Boy Scouts & Scouting Sunday

Little did I know when I called on Southern Baptists to dedicate 2013 as a year of prayer for spiritual awakening that we would have so much to pray for so early into the New Year.

When I received a call from the Boy Scouts two weeks ago asking for a face-to-face meeting, I somehow knew it would not be good. They wanted to let me know -- along with leaders of other conservative religious groups (Mormons and Catholics) -- of a probable change in their long-standing policy against allowing openly practicing homosexuals into positions of leadership in their national scouting organization.

I was gravely distressed. But, what was even more distressing was to hear how far down the path toward change they had already traveled. After a time of prayer and consultation with several other leaders, including our SBC president Fred Luter, I sent a letter asking them to reconsider. On Monday (Jan. 28), I was on a conference call with three of their top leaders. What a distressing moment! I learned that their recommendation to the full board was already formalized before we were even informed a change was being considered.

Is there a ray of light at the end of this tunnel? Is there a silver lining to this ominous cloud hanging over an organization I have lauded and loved? Yes, there is. Read more

Read also
Royal Ambassadors to Replace Boy Scouts If Policy Change on Gay Leaders?

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