
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Connecting Scientology, Lance Armstrong and Gun Control

Besides for being in the news right now, what do Scientology, Lance Armstrong and gun control all have in common? All three of them reveal the downside of man's controlling nature. All three of them point the finger back at each of us….because each one of us can easily become a "control freak" if we are not careful.

There is a new book out by Lawrence Wright on Scientology entitled, Going Clear. As expected, it reveals more damaging facts about the controlling nature of this organization. Pretty scary stuff….and terribly detrimental to children, and their families. What do we think is going to happen when a religious group carries out a secret agenda at the expense of its followers? Power, control, and suffering….this is what a cult is all about.

Read the stories of those who have come out of the Jehovah's Witnesses….or Mormonism….or any religious group that carries out a secret and hidden agenda….and the stories will sound eerily similar. The false doctrines are varied….but the controlling nature of the leaders is almost identical. That's because man's nature is pointed in the direction of selfishness, and control. Read more

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