
Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Digital Books and the Changing Landscape of Publishing

According to a new study released just last week, Americans are reading more e-books and fewer print books. This news should come as no surprise. With the rise in popularity we’ve seen in tablets and e-readers, this trend has been happening for the past few years. We now find ourselves on the precipice of a landmark event: the day e-book reading supplants print book reading as the majority. And many analysts believe that day to be coming in either 2014 or 2015.

But why is this? What is the draw for e-readers over traditional printed books? While it may be difficult to determine one specific factor, there are several contributing factors. Read more
You can read a traditional printed book by the light of a candle, fire, or oil lamp. But what can you do with an e-reader with a dead battery?

1 comment:

  1. I will never be surprise if people are reading ebooks nowadays it has alot of advantage and easy to read books. You can also easily download free ebooks from different website say for example that offers free ebooks, no registration needed and downloaded into pdf form hassle free reading for readers.
