
Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Gafcon II set for Nairobi

The second Global Anglican Futures Conference – Gafcon II – will be held in Nairobi this October, the chairman of the primates’ council of the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans, Archbishop Eliud Wabukala, reports.

In his New Year’s Day message to the Anglican Church of Kenya, Dr. Wabukala stated that he was “very happy” to report that “in October this year, we are expecting the second Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON 2) to be held here in Nairobi and we look forward to welcoming Anglican leaders from around the globe. I believe this will be a strategic moment in the reshaping of the Anglican Communion to fulfil our vision for global mission and a time when we will experience a foretaste of that glorious gathering of the people of God which Isaiah prophesied.”

The site and agenda for Gafcon II has been uncertain, FCA leaders tell Anglican Ink. The 2008 conference was held in Jerusalem and the initial plans for the 2013 gathering were for Cyprus. At their Fall meeting the FCA primates agreed to a proposal to hold Gafcon II in Athens. Dr. Wabukala’s New Year’s Day announcement now moves the gathering to Nairobi – home to the Anglican Church of Kenya and CAPA -- the Council of Anglican Provinces in Africa.
Will GAFCON II address the failure of the Anglican Church in North America to conform to the tenets of Anglican orthodoxy articulated in the Jerusalem Declaration? Or will the conference turn a blind eye to this and other glaring problem areas of the ACNA as the global South Primates have done since GAFCON I? Isn't it time for an Anglican ecclesial body in North America that truly embodies the principles of that declaration?

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