
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Gay marriage battles brewing in at least 6 states this year

Gay marriage supporters enjoyed landmark victories in 2012 and are hoping for an even bigger win at the U.S. Supreme Court this year, but in the meantime political battles are brewing in at least six states where marriage redefinition bills likely will be considered.

Significantly, all six have governors who appear supportive of gay marriage. Also, the November elections saw gay marriage supporters increase their strength in the state legislatures.

Leading the way are Illinois and Rhode Island, where gay marriage bills are being pushed and potentially could pass within weeks. Other states that likely will consider gay marriage bills in 2013 are Delaware, Hawaii, New Jersey and Minnesota. Of the six states, all but one -- Minnesota -- have legalized same-sex civil unions, which grant all the legal benefits of marriage, minus the name. Read more

Read also
ANALYSIS: The gay marriage battle isn't lost
Survey: Fewer in U.S. see homosexuality as sin
CALL TO PRAYER: The Supreme Court weighs in on marriage
Survey: Less Americans Believe Homosexuality Is a Sin; Nation's View 'Evolving' With Obama's?

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