
Friday, January 18, 2013

India Gang-Rapes 'Show Wickedness of Human Heart,' Says Gospel for Asia

Photo: Gospel for Asia
The president of the Gospel for Asia mission organization recently called the conditions for women in India "a horrendous evil that is worsening" after authorities arrested six men in the north of the country for the alleged gang-rape of a woman traveling on a bus, just weeks after the gang-rape and subsequent death of a 23-year-old student in New Delhi rocked the country.

"This just shows the wickedness of the human heart. I pray the government will take strong action to protect the innocent. We all grieve for what is happening. God have mercy on us," K. P. Yohannan, president of Gospel for Asia, a mission organization working in South Asia, said in a Jan. 15 press release.

The Associated Press has reported that on Jan. 11, a 29-year-old woman was traveling via bus to visit family in the Punjab region of Northern India when she was taken and allegedly raped by the bus driver, conductor, and five other suspects.

Police reported that six men have been arrested and accused of the crime, while they are searching for a seventh suspect.

This marks the second alleged gang-rape crime in the country in recent weeks. Read more

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