
Monday, January 21, 2013

John Piper on Personal Experience With Exorcism

Renowned pastor and preacher John Piper shared about his "only and the most extraordinary" experience exorcizing a demon in his early ministry years, sharing details of dealing with a possessed female college student.

The reformed theologian who recently stepped down as senior pastor at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minn., shared "a rare story" from long ago when some college students had called him at night saying they had cornered a girl they said was demon-possessed in a video posted on the Desiring God website.

When Piper and an associate reached the students' room, they saw a young woman in her 20s who looked "very hard and angry and dark in her face." The students told Piper it was not her – not her voice, not her face – and she was possessed. Read more

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