
Monday, January 07, 2013

Moral Resistance Resides Deeper than Intellectual Reasoning

The need for Christian apologetics in the world today is growing. This is due largely to the fact that so many people have essentially been brainwashed in their beliefs about Jesus Christ, the Bible, heaven, hell, and the immortality of the soul. But even after all the intellectual evidence is presented, many hearers still choose to reject the Gospel. Their moral resistance outweighs whatever intellectual ground they may have conceded.

The mind of unconverted man is certainly capable of considering the history of the Bible and the fundamentals of God's plan of redemption. But when it comes to yielding one's life to Jesus Christ....and turning away from your sin and your perceived "right" to set your own agenda....and accepting Christ as your Savior....well, that moves things into a realm that is deeper than just the mind....into the realm of the spirit.

At his core, man is absolutely opposed to having anyone but himself as the king of his universe. That predisposition manifests itself in a multitude of ways from an early age. Man is by nature selfish, arrogant, and self-reliant. This does not bode well for his spiritual health. Read more

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