
Thursday, January 03, 2013

The spiritual warfare of family

To make themselves tired, the boys got out of the bed on Christmas Eve to run up and down the hallway outside their rooms. Their thinking went like this: If we get up and run, we will get tired. If we get tired, we will go to sleep faster. If we sleep fast, Christmas morning will come quicker. If Christmas morning comes quicker, we will open presents sooner.

Oh, the logic of a child on Christmas Eve.

Sugarplums had not yet begun to dance in boys' heads when we heard that special ring on the phone. Weeks ago, we programmed a special ring for the person who would be calling us with our referral. As soon as we heard the phone, we knew we were parents for the fifth time. News of our 3-month-old boy came on Christmas Eve. Perfect.

They call him Fesseha Adama. We are told "Fesseha" means happy. He was found abandoned in the city of Adama in Ethiopia. While his paperwork says "abandoned," we are confident of God's gracious and sovereignly strategic placement of this child into our family. We have been praying for him. Now we have a face to go with his name -- Miller Elijah Brady. Read more

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