
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Why Sinning Will Never Quench Man's Thirst

You are out in the middle of the ocean....all a small boat....and dying of thirst. You know that drinking the saltwater will not solve your problem, but only make it worse. So what do you do? You could get a momentary fix by drinking it, but that will only make your thirst stronger. Or you could resist the urge to drink the saltwater.

This is man's dilemma in the real world. He has a thirst for something refreshing which will satisfy his soul....but he also experiences cravings to quench the thirst of his sinful nature. Should man give into temptation and get a momentary fix, or resist the urge to drink the "saltwater" of sin? It seems that man is in quite a predicament.

The biggest problem with sin is that it violates God's law and His standard for us. But another huge problem is that it never delivers the desired outcome. So sin is really just a big phony....and a fake....a counterfeit. It pretends to have this great solution for your thirst. So you drink....and oops, your thirst just skyrockets. Thanks sin for lying to me about your real effect. And boy did I buy it....hook, line and sinker. Read more
Dan Delzell is the pastor of Wellspring Lutheran Church in Papillion, Nebraska. He is a regular contributor to The Christian Post.

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