
Saturday, February 16, 2013

AT&T, Ernst & Young execs could face Scout challenge

New leadership is needed for the Boy Scouts of America, a key Southern Baptist leader, Frank Page, said Thursday (Feb. 14) in Oklahoma City.

"I think it's time for Scouting people across the nation to rise up and ask for a change in leadership in Scouting," Page, president of the Southern Baptist Convention's Executive Committee, told editors of state Baptist papers during their annual meeting.

"[W]e need Scouting executives with backbone," Page said.

Page did not mention specific names. The chief executives of AT&T and Ernst & Young, however, have been proponents of changing Scout policy to permit openly gay Scout troop leaders and members.

"I don't think the national leaders have listened carefully to the local people," Page said, referring to the push within Scouting's 64-member Executive Board to abandon the BSA's male leadership/membership tradition.

"The local people are torn up over this," Page said. Read more

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