
Monday, February 04, 2013

Books: How Should Christians Get Rid of Garbage in their Hearts?

Dealing with the source of sin is a staggering commitment

Let's think about your heart, and we'll do it by imagining a scenario. You're out for a hike on a beautiful spring day. You're delighted to hear running water, and sure enough, you come to a creek. But there's something wrong with this picture. You notice that someone has dumped trash into the stream—an ugly sight. There is refuse floating on the water. Judging by some of the empty soda cans, the trash has been there awhile. And there is an ugly film on top of the water.

You can't just leave the scene as you found it, because it would bother your conscience. So you stoop down and begin gathering the trash. Read more

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:29 AM

    John Owen's works on the mortification of sin are very good in this regard.

