
Saturday, February 09, 2013

CALL TO PRAYER: Praying for collegians

Evan was involved in a small youth group at his home church until he went away to college. While at college his faith was tested, but eventually strengthened to the point that he felt compelled to return to his home church and share his passion for Christ with his youth group. He shared one night with 17 students who all were transformed as a result of hearing the simple 4-point message:

1. You must confess any known sin to God, and put right any wrong done to man.

2. You must put away any doubtful habit out of your life.

3. You must obey the Spirit's promptings immediately.

4. You must confess your faith in Christ publicly.

This simple meeting began a movement of God which we now know as the Welsh Revival of 1904-05. Evan Roberts was a young college student who saw God's Spirit work powerfully resulting in a "nation sweeping" movement. In five months, more than 100,000 people were saved. The country was changed so much that courts had no cases to try, police had no crimes to solve, the birth rate for unwed mothers dropped by almost half in two counties, and the churches were filled in every town. All this began with one college student fully surrendered to the Lord. Read more

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