
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Christ's Real Presence Dwells Inside Every Believer

No religious organization has a corner on Christ's real presence. You can't box Him in. Jesus goes wherever He wants to go....and one of the places He chooses to go is on the inside of everyone who believes in Him as Savior. Therefore, a Christian can literally say, "My heart is Christ's home."

We all know (or at least many of us) that Jesus Christ lived on earth 2000 years ago....and then died....and rose again....and ascended into heaven....where He sits at the right hand of the Father, which is a place of great honor. But that's not all. Jesus isn't limited to heaven. He is God, and so He is omnipresent. Christ literally dwells within the soul of every single believer. How you ask? will have to ask Him that one. His Word just says it's a fact, but it doesn't give a full explanation that we can completely grasp with our finite minds.

The only reason we know that Jesus dwells within every believer is because God's inerrant Word says so. It's not like this is "common sense." It has been revealed to us in God's Word. Specifically where you ask? Right here.... Read more

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