
Monday, February 18, 2013

Churches torched in Egypt

Muslims in the village of Sarsena, Tamiya district in Fayoum province set fire to the church of St George on Friday. They also threw rocks at the church, causing damage to its dome.

According to a story by Mary Abdelmassih for the Assyrian International News Agency (AINA), the cross on top of the dome was broken and the attackers demolished parts of the church's interior and defaced and destroyed its icons.

AINA said this was prompted by Salafists Muslims who instigated the villagers to attack the church because the church is "an unlawful neighbor to the Muslims who live adjacent to it and must therefore be moved".

AINA said they demanded the relocation of the church away from Muslim homes and are not allowing its priest, Pastor Domadios, to enter the church. All these events were witnessed by the security authorities who AINA said did nothing to stop the attack. Read more

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