
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Does Jesus Care Whether I Attend Church?

If you identify yourself as a Christian, then I assume it really matters to you whether or not Jesus wants you to attend church. After all, He is your King….not just your advisor….or your buddy….but your Lord….and your God. Right?

We live in a day where many professing believers are being tempted to ditch the whole "church thing." In some cases, it's because they had a bad experience in a church. That is understandable….because it happens. Just as divorce takes place in marriages, pain is also experienced in certain church situations. So what's the solution? Should you dump church…or instead, get connected to one where you will grow?

Well….let's think about why Jesus instituted His church in the first place. He knew better than anyone how weak His followers can become….and how much we need the strength and wisdom of the Scriptures, and the friendships and encouragement of other believers. Hence, the New Testament church was instituted. Read more

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