
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Five Ways to Prepare for the Employee to Independent Transition

Though much has been written on the free agent transition in our nation, I am not sure many of us appreciate the degree to which the shift has taken place. Whitney Johnson notes that some 43 million persons today do some level of independent work. But that number is projected to reach as high as 70 million within the decade.

That number is staggering. The old model of a lifetime company providing pay, pension, and benefits to the grave is all but obsolete. Young adults today will move from company to company without a second thought. And those companies will no longer retain employees out of a sense of loyalty and obligation. It is truly a free agent nation from the perspective of both the employer and the employee.

So how does a worker prepare himself or herself for this new reality? Allow me to share five suggestions I give those who have approached me with similar questions. Read more


  1. Robin, sorry to spam your article comments, but I didn't see a "contact me" link on the site. I saw your very good initial comments on the paedo-communion post on Stand Firm, and I was wondering if you had any good links discussing paedo-communion in the Anglican church. Thanks!

  2. Dom,
    I'll see what I can find. Those who favor infant communion generally disregard the Dominical Words of Institution with their emphasis upon the Lord's Supper as a memorial of Christ's atoning sacrifice and 1 Corinthians 11:17-33 with its emphasis upon the Lord's Supper as a proclamation of Christ's atoning death and the need for preparation, self-examination, and recognition of the meaning of the Lord's body. The 1662 Book of Common Prayer, on the other hand, echoes these emphases.
