
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Future of Anglican-Catholic relations depend on successor

The Archbishop of Canterbury’s representative to the Holy See has reserved judgement on what the Pope’s resignation will mean for Anglican-Catholic relations.

According to the Anglican Communion News Service, the Very Reverend David Richardson said the implications for Anglican-Catholic relations will “depend on who is elected to succeed him”.

Mr Richardson, director of the Anglican Centre in Rome, said Anglican-Catholic dialogues would continue despite the leadership change. Read more

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Evangelicals: Benedict has been a 'friend of life'
Evangelical Leaders Praise Pope Benedict XVI's Concern for Life, Christian Unity


  1. For your sake, i hope that he rejects you.

  2. From my perspective, Mcgranor, "Anglicans" who seek a closer "relationship" or reunion with an unreformed Church of Rome really aren't Anglican. True Christian unity does not require that Anglicans abandon the Protestant Reformed faith or submit to papal authority.
