
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Southern Baptist Executive Committee resolution criticizes Scout leadership

The Southern Baptist Convention's Executive Committee Tuesday unanimously passed a resolution that criticizes Boy Scouts leadership for trying to change the policy on homosexuality but also urges the Scouts' voting members to uphold the current policy in May.

The resolution also commends the Southern Baptists' Royal Ambassadors program "irrespective" of what the Scouts ultimately decide.

The Boy Scouts executive board appeared poised in early February to lift its prohibition on gay Scout leaders and members and replace it with a "local option," whereby each sponsoring organization would decide the policy. But facing pressure from its base, the board decided to put the matter before its 1,400 voting members at the national convention in May.  Read more
As far as I gather the Anglican Church in North America has taken no public stance on the proposed BSA change of policy on homosexuality.

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