
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ten Frequently Asked Questions I Get From Church Leaders

In the course of a week, I get a number of questions from church leaders. Many of them still remember me from my days of church consulting. Others have read books I’ve written, particularly those that addressed issues in the local church. Still others recognize my position as the president of the largest Christian resource company in the world.

The questions come to me on this blog, on Twitter, on Facebook, on LinkedIn, and by email. I try my best to get to all of them, but I find myself falling short too often. As a possible remedy to the problem of time constraints, I will attempt to answer as many questions as possible as I write on this blog.
Here are my top ten questions for now. Feel free to let me know which of them you would like addressed. Also, feel free to add to the list or just to make comments. Read more

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