
Friday, February 22, 2013

The 6 Essential Social Media Skills of Leaders

The McKinsey Quarterly recently published an interesting article on the six social media skills every leader needs, including a good analysis of social media practices in General Electric.

The ‘competitive advantage’ these skills bring don’t matter that much to church leaders obviously, or at least they shouldn’t matter. But the skills are still important in a day and age where social media can be used and leveraged to a church advantage, even to the advantage of spreading the gospel.

I think social media literacy matters in the church as well. Not to the extent that it should be number one on the agenda or that it should come in the way of actually reaching out to ‘the least of our brethren’, but I’ve seen Christian leaders and churches use social media with amazing results for their ministry. That’s why these six skills (or six roles, even after reading the article I wondered if the word roles doesn’t describe it better) are so interesting.... Read more

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