
Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Gospel for Inmates and All Sinners

Today brought one of those rare experiences. You know....the kind where you feel like God just gave you the right words at the right time which were perfect for the situation. And all you can do is bask in the glow of the moment....and praise Him for granting you a golden nugget in your communication of the Gospel message.

Across the highway from our church is the county jail, and we have a weekly Bible study there with the inmates. We often have guys come to the study who are there for the first time. I often ask the men, "If God were to ask you today why He should let you into heaven, what would you tell Him?" A couple guys sitting to my left today both answered at about the same time and said, "Because I have tried my best."

That's when it hit me....and a light went on. I have been privileged to share the Gospel thousands of times over the past 30 years in many different settings. But I have never had the analogy come to mind which hit me like today....and I believe it came from the Holy Spirit. It seemed to captivate most of the men in attendance as I presented it to them. Read more

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