
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What to make of the retirement of the Pope?

Pope Benedict XVI, the 265th leader of the Roman Catholic Church, has announced his retirement from the position, leaving the papacy at the end of this month.

Joseph Ratzinger became Pope in 2005, and is the first to retire in nearly 600 years. He is only the second pope in the history of the Roman Catholic Church to do so voluntarily.

According to former Catholic and now head of ENC's (Evangelism and New Churches) Certainty4Eternity mission, Mark Gilbert, the news has already kicked off a few conversations with Catholic friends. Read more

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What the Benedict Papacy Meant for Women
A modest Pope
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1 comment:

  1. Everybody asking the same question that "What to make of the retirement of the Pope?" and funny thing is everybody is guessing wildly according to their understanding.
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