
Saturday, February 02, 2013

Boy Scouts Struggle to Define Sexual Morality

The Boy Scouts of America require all of their members to take an oath promising to be "morally straight." Now the organization appears to be getting pressured to change their previous position on homosexual behavior. And it sounds like they may be planning to cave into the pressure. Maybe a time out is in order here.

Before this organization rushes ahead and makes such a radical change, it would be wise for them to consider the bigger picture. Either fornication, adultery and homosexual behavior are morally wrong according to God in the Bible....or they are not wrong. If those activities are morally wrong, then the Boy Scouts are being true to their mission by discouraging their members from pursuing those immoral acts.

If this organization which preaches "morals" and "character" is determined to be more specific in defining a sexual agenda, then perhaps that is actually a good thing. Maybe it is long overdue. Homosexuals make up a very small percentage of the public. On the other hand, a large number of Boy Scouts will face plenty of temptations in the area of fornication....and one day, adultery. Maybe sexuality is an area the Boy Scouts should be addressing....but that is really up to them....and their mission....and their understanding of what they believe it means to be "morally straight." Read more
Dan Delzell is the pastor of Wellspring Lutheran Church in Papillion, Nebraska. He is a regular contributor to The Christian Post.

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