
Friday, February 08, 2013

You Were Created to Worship Jesus Christ

Do you know the main reason God created you? It wasn't so you could pursue that career....or those hobbies....or that 5-year plan of yours. God created you to worship Jesus Christ....the Son of God and Son of Man. You were made to praise His name.

You may say, "Wait a minute Dan. Christianity is not my it doesn't apply to me." Yes it does. You owe Jesus what everyone owes Him....your life and your allegiance. Whether or not you realize the fact that you owe him your life is is the truth whether you know it or not. You can build your life on truth....or continue building your life on the sinking sand of your personal opinions about God.

Just as God's angels were created to worship Him, (see Hebrews 1:6) so were you....and so was I. He is not an earthly king, but the King of Kings. He is worthy of all praise, glory and honor. This is the reality you were brought into by no choice of your own....but here you are....and there He is as the One who put you here. The angels didn't choose to be created, and neither did you...but it is what it is. Therefore, you would be wise to accept reality, rather than to live in denial.

"But I don't want to worship Him." Of course not....and you never will....that is, until you receive an impartation of His Spirit of praise. Do you know Who I am talking about? I am referring to the Holy Spirit....the Third Person of the Trinity. Read more

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