
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

LifeWay survey shows: Americans say homosexuality a civil rights issue

As public policy continues to change on the issue, a LifeWay Research poll shows 58 percent of American adults believe homosexuality is a civil rights issue and 64 percent say it is inevitable same-sex marriage will become legal throughout the United States.

Twenty-nine percent say it is not a civil rights issue and 24 percent say gay marriage legalization is not inevitable.

LifeWay Research conducted a wide-ranging survey of American adults on questions surrounding same-sex marriage, specifically examining whether Americans believe clergy, wedding photographers, rental halls, landlords and employers have the right to refuse access and services to same-sex couples even if same-sex marriage is made legal in their state.

According to the findings.... Read more

Also read
Half of Conservative Christians Now Believe Same-Sex Marriage Is Inevitable

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