
Friday, March 22, 2013

Andy Stanley: Christians Are Now the Minority, Must Adapt Approach to Sharing Gospel

The Drive 2013 Conference, a three-day gathering of over 2,400 pastors and church leaders from 25 countries and 700 organizations, wrapped up last Wednesday at North Point Community Church in Alpharetta, Ga., with a call for believers to re-examine and adapt their approach to communicating the Gospel in a culture where Christians are now the minority.

North Point Ministries founder Andy Stanley told attendees assembled from around the world and the hundreds watching online that if they are trying to reach unchurched people, they must be willing to challenge traditional assumptions and adjust their methodology without changing the content of the message. "For many years, evangelicals have been able to speak from a position of authority because we were the majority, but we are no longer a majority so we can no longer speak with the same authority," he said. "But the good thing for us is that a precedent was set for us in the first century, when Christians were in the minority." Read more

Also read
Andy Stanley Tells Pastors: To Reach Unchurched People, Make Church Appealing and Engaging

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