
Monday, March 18, 2013

Greg Stiers: 5 Ways to Get Your Teens Engaged in Spiritual Disciplines

1. Explain what "spiritual disciplines" mean.

We need to demystify prayer, Bible reading and meditation for teenagers. Too many times when we speak of spiritual disciplines in a non-specific way, teenagers have visions of monks and monasteries. It seems and sounds like something people in castles on hills in Europe do instead of, well, your typical Christian teenager.

Being engaged in spiritual disciplines is basically being spiritually disciplined when it comes to absorbing the truth of God's Words deeply into our souls and psyche. It is two way communication between us and God. He speaks to us through His Word and the wonder of His creation. We speak to him in prayer and sing to him in "psalms, hymns and songs from the Spirit" (Ephesians 5:19.) Read more

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