
Friday, March 22, 2013

Real Leaders Apologize

An apology to Anglicans Ablaze readers: Due to unexpected circumstances beyond my control I was unable to post new articles on Wednesday and Thursday as I had originally planned. I was also prompted to cut short my trip and to return to western Kentucky. 

For some leaders, apologies seem tocome reluctantly if they come at all. Perhaps a mea culpa seems like an indication of weakness. Perhaps the leader’s ego is too fragile to admit that he or she is wrong. Perhaps some leaders really don’t believe they are ever wrong.

There are certain facts upon which most of us can agree. First, all people make mistakes, including leaders. Second, some of those mistakes will rise to the level of needing an apology. Third, a sincere apology is usually received well.

Here are some miscellaneous notes I have gathered as I have observed apologies or lack of apologies by leaders.... Read more

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