
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Rob Bell's Teaching Flows From the Heart

In his book Love Wins, Rob Bell challenged the traditional biblical teaching regarding hell as simply being wrong. Rob's spiritual journey continues to evolve as he now has come out in favor of same-sex marriage. He believes the traditional biblical teaching about marriage is as wrong as hell.

So is Rob Bell correct, or is he misguided? Has his journey to hell and back produced helpful spiritual insights for others, or just doctrines which are contrary to Scripture and therefore dangerous to your soul? And why is it that one's views on heaven, hell and homosexuality tend to always line up in a consistent manner?

What I mean is this: Those in favor of same-sex marriage tend to believe that most people will go to heaven. On the other hand, those who believe Jesus is the only way to heaven tend to believe that homosexuality is just as sinful as fornication and adultery. I guess doctrines of a feather flock together, so to speak.

Jesus said many things that profoundly challenge our natural way of thinking. One of them was this: "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." (Matthew 7:13,14)

To be honest with you, that statement from the Lord blows my mind. It goes against what my heart wants to believe will happen at the end of time. I want to believe that most of the people in our world will go to heaven. The only thing stopping me from believing it is God's Word. If I went with my heart, I would teach that "good people" in every religion (or even without religion) will go to heaven. If I were to abandon the Bible, I could quickly find myself becoming a universalist. That is where my heart would go immediately, and I suspect yours might go there rather easily as well.

Likewise, if I were to abandon the Bible, I would probably hold a view on sexual ethics that leaves it up to the individual to determine what sexual relationship is right, and which ones are wrong. Without the Scriptures, all we have are personal opinions and personal preferences. Read more

Also read
Rob Bell Redefines Fidelity, Love, and Who God Is
Rob Bell says he is for fidelity and love between man and woman, woman and woman, man and man

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