
Friday, March 29, 2013

When Good Friday and Easter Become Personal

Jesus won't mean much to you until you are able to speak about Him in a personal way. It's one thing to say, "This is Easter weekend." It's another thing altogether to say, "Jesus died for me, and rose again for my eternal salvation." So are Good Friday and Easter personal for you, or not so much?

Good Friday doesn't become good for you until you understand it, and believe it, and allow your soul to find rest in it. Easter does nothing for you until you personally rise up in faith and leave the grave clothes of sin and death back in the tomb. When you get out of bed this Sunday, will it be the beginning of a new life for you? Or just the beginning of an ordinary day on an average weekend in March? It can become very personal for you if you want it to be.

Are Good Friday and Easter inside you yet, or are they just religious celebrations that show up on your calendar once a year? These events get inside you when you embrace them through faith. This miracle happens as you come to the cross and repent of your sin, and trust Christ to forgive you. That's how it gets inside you, and more importantly, how Jesus comes to live inside you. I would say that is pretty personal. Wouldn't you? Read more

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